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체이스 (William Merritt Chase)의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

체이스 [William Merritt Chase, 1849~1916]
초상화, 정물화, 인물화를 주로 그린 미국의 인상주의 화가. 2,000여 점의 작품을 남겼으며 '10인회'의 회원이었다.
국적 미국
활동분야 미술(회화)
출생지 인디애나주 윌리엄스버그
주요작품 《자화상 Self Portrait》(1884) 《시네코크 언덕 Shinnecock Hill》(1895)
자세한 내용은 클릭
출처 : 네이버 백과사전

He was born in Williamsburg (now Nineveh), Indiana, in the home of local merchant. His father moved the family to Indianapolis
in 1861 and hired his son as a seller in the family business. Chase has shown early interest in art, and learn with local artists samoprepodavavshih Barton S. Hays and Jacob Cox. After a brief limits the navy teachers Chase persuaded him to go to
New York to continue his artistic training. He arrived in New York in 1869 met and studied with Joseph Oriel Eaton for a short
period of time, then registered with the National Academy Project at Lemuel Wilmarth, a student of famous French painter
Jean-Léon Gérôme. In the 1870 decline in marital status due to harassment in order to leave New York for the P-Louis, Missouri,
where his family was then based. While he worked to help support his family, he became active in the community of art with-Louis, winning prizes for his paintings at a local exhibition. He also showed his first paintings in the National Academy in 1871. Talent prosecution brought the rich collector P-Louis, who has sought to visit Europe for two years, in exchange for pictures and
assistance in ensuring the Persecution of European art for their collections. In the European persecution, ulazhennom at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, the long-standing center of art education, which attract increasing numbers of Americans. He studied with Alexander Von Wagner and Karl von Piloty, and supported the American artists Walter Shirlaw, Frank Duveneck, and J (oseph) Frank Currier. On the death of persecution at the auction of his condition, he owned more of Currier than any other artist. In Pursuit of Munich used its rapidly burgeoning talent more often in figurativnyh works, which he painted in a freely pochischennom style
pleasing his teachers. In January 1876, one of the figurative works, portraits, called "Keying" - Court Jester (now in the collection of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts), was shown in the Boston Art Club, later that year it was shown and won a medal at the Philadelphia Exhibition of the Century, and that success was his first known Harassment. In the Studio, 1882. William Merritt Chase. Harassment go to Venice, Italy in 1877 with Duveneck and John Henry Twachtman, before returning to the United States in summer 1878, highly skilled artist, representing a new wave of Euro-American-educated talent. The house in America, he showed his paintings, ready to go (a collection of the Union League Club) with the newly formed Society of American Artists in 1878.
He also opened a studio in New York in the tenth Ulichnom building studios, home to many of the most important painters
of the day. He was a member of Tilers, a group of artists and writers, among them some of his famous friends: Winslow Homer,
Arthur Quartley and Augustus Saint Gaudens.

Pursue grown multiple personnae: worldly cosmopolitan, a dedicated family man, and a respected teacher. Pursue married Alice Gerson in 1886, and together they raised eight children during the most vibrant artistic period of persecution.
His most senior daughter, Alice Dieudonnee Chase and Dorothy Bremond Chase, often modeled on their father. In New York,
however, the prosecution has been known brightness, which he schegolyal in his dress, his manners, and most of all in his studio.
At Tenth Street Harassment moved into the old studio of Albert Bierstadt's and decorate it as an extension of his own art.
Harassment napolnyalo generous studio furniture, decorative objects, filled with birds, oriental rugs, and exotic musical instruments. Studio served as a focal point for the sophisticated and fashionable members of the world of art in New York late 19th century.
By 1895 the cost of maintaining the studio, in addition to his other residence, forced it to close Harassment and sell the contents
at auction. Idle hours, 1894. William Merritt Chase. In addition to his painting Persecution to develop interest in learning.
On conviction patron Harassment open schools Lethe Shinnecock Hills on the eastern length of New York in 1891 and taught
there until 1902. Harassment has taken plein air method of painting, and often teach it to students in outdoor classrooms.
He also opened the School of Arts Harassment in 1896, which became the New York School of Art two years later with the prosecution, remaining as a teacher until 1907. Harassment taught at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts from 1896 to 1909,
the League of Students Office of Arts from 1878 to 1896 and again from 1907 until 1911, and Bruklinskaya Association of Art
in 1887 and from 1891 to 1896. Along with Robert Henri, who began competing teacher Harassment was the most important
teacher of American artists around the beginning of XX century. In addition to the instructions of East Coast artists like Charles Demuth, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Edward Charles Volkert, he had an important role in the impact on California art
at the turn of the century, especially in conjunction with Arthur Frank Mathews, Xavier Martinez and Percy Gray.

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2012.05.19 링크 삭제되었습니다.