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Beraud Jean의 작품들 (화가)

Beraud Jean (1849-1936)
Jean Biro was born in the French family living in St. Petersburg in 1849.
He is best known today for the author's paintings, which reflect the life of Paris, in the period from the beginning to the end of the nineteenth century in France.
After his father's death in 1853, the family returned to Paris, where Jean Biraud took part in the battle for Paris, in 1870. Subsequently, he became a student of Atelier Bonnat in 1871 and debuted at the Paris Salon in 1873.
He drew his inspiration from the Impressionists, many of whom were known personally to him.
Jean Biro was a founding member of the National Society of Arts. He received the Gold Medal from the Society of French Artists in 1889 and became a knight of the Legion d'Honneur in 1887.
Bíró died in 1936.

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