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Henry Mosler의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

Henry Mosler (1841 - 1920)
Henry Mosler (June 6, 1841 - April 21, 1920), United States artist, was born in New York, the family removing to Cincinnati when he was about ten years old.

Studying drawing by himself, he became a draughtsman for a comic paper, the Omnibus (Cincinnati), in 1855; in 1859-1861 he studied under James Henry Beard, and in 1862-63, during the Civil War, was an art correspondent of Harper's Weekly. In 1863 he went to Düsseldorf, where for almost three years he was at the Royal Academy schools; he subsequently went to Paris, where he studied for a short time under Ernest Hébert.

His "Le Retour," from the Paris Salon of 1879, was the first American picture ever bought for the Luxembourg. He received a silver medal in Paris 1889, and gold medals at Paris, 1888, and Vienna, 1893. Examples of his work are in the Sydney Art Museum, NSW, the Cincinnati Art Museum, Richmond Art Museum and the art museums of Springfield, Mass., and New York.

His son, Gustave Henry Mosler was also an artist.

출처 : 위키피디아(영문)

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