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Kathryn Andrews Fincher의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

Kathryn Andrews Fincher
Kathryn Andrews Fincher - contemporary American artist, living
manufacturing near Atlanta with her husband and two daughters. The combination of classical art school in impressionistic style in her works a unique pastel paintings in the style of "romantic realism".

In early childhood, Kathryn beginning to show the propensity to draw, and its
mother, herself an artist, encouraged her daughter. At first, a central place in the lives of girls sports, in which she has made great strides, and only after the birth of children, she dedicated herself entirely to art.

"I am not interested in portraying unrealistic, perfect children sitting
Strunke on straight, I seek to capture the moment when a child absorbed in exploring something new. "

The deep faith, boundless love for children and light the soul of Katherine found
reflected in her work.

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