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세계의 화가들

Vladimir Mukhin의 작품들 (화가)

Mukhin, Vladimir Nikolaevich was born on April 25, 1971 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Penza Art School. KA Savitski. Then he studied at the Russian Academy of Painting and Architecture. Permanent exhibit in the Gallery «Elite» (California, United States), Gallery «Caramel» (Skatsdeyl, Arizona). Currently lives and works in Moscow.
1997 - group exhibition, Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val (Moscow).
1998 - Personal exhibition, Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val (Moscow).
2006 - «Solo for Three», The Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val (Moscow).
2006 November-December - «Women's image in the world art. From the XVIII to XXI century », Gallery« Impressa Art »,« International art gallery 'Eritazh », Fund for the promotion of Art (Moscow).
2006 - participated in the project of V. Mironov «Balagan», Art Manege 2006 (Moscow).
2006 December - 2007 January - the project «Christmas Art Fair», Gallery «Impressa Art», «International art gallery 'Eritazh», Fund for the promotion of Art (Moscow).
2006 December - 2007 January - group exhibition, Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val (Moscow).
November 2007 - group exhibition «duo after XX years», Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val (Moscow).
2007 - the project «Christmas Art Fair», Gallery «Impressa Art», Fund for the promotion of Art (Moscow)

Works by Vladimir Mukhin are in galleries and private collections in the United States and Russia.

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