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William Holman Hunt의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)
William Holman Hunt (English William Holman Hunt), in the old spelling - holmium Gunt [1] (2 April 1827 - September 7th, 1910) - English painter, one of the founders of the Brotherhood prerafaelitov. Real name - William Hobman Hunt, but Hunt himself has changed the second part of the name, but at the end of life, it merged with the name: Holman-Hunt.
Hunt was a student at the Royal Academy of Arts, where he met with Millet and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and together they founded the «Brotherhood prerafaelitov» (engl. PreRaphaelite Brotherhood).
At first the paintings were not Hunt especially popular, but then he becomes famous. After two years (1854-55) in the East, he wrote one of his most famous paintings - «The Light of the world», which brought in art criticism heated debate. [1] Holman Hunt was the only one who remained loyal to the end of the doctrine of the Brotherhood and prerafaelitov maintained their fine ideals to the death, but in the end he had to give up painting because of the worsening of all, and the last picture - «Lady of Shalotta» (eng. The Lady of Shalott) - was finished assistant, Edward Hughes. Hunt is also the author of his autobiography «Prerafaelitizm» (English Pre-Raphaelitism) and «Brothers prerafaelitov» (English Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood), whose objective - to keep accurate details about the origin of the Brotherhood and its members.

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