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Rembrandt Peale의 작품들 (화가)

Rembrandt Peale (1778 - 1860)
Rembrandt Peale (February 22, 1778 - October 3, 1860), American artist.
Rembrandt Peale was born the third of six surviving children (eleven had died). Mother, Rachel Brewer, and his father, Charles Willson Peale. His father, Charles, was also a notable artist, taught each child to paint landscapes and portraits, and Rembrandt was not the exception.
Rembrandt Peale skillfully used family connections to early to start a career official artist-in 17 years he has painted a portrait of George Washington. Young Pil studied painting under the guidance of his father, adopting his distinct artistic style. Portrait of Jefferson (1805) Rembrandt Peel, now owned by the Historical Society of New York, considered a masterpiece of portraiture - it is from this portrait we present a face of the third president. The White House also has an oil portrait of Jefferson by Rembrandt Saw.
He died June 12, 1860 in Philadelphia.

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