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Sir Joseph Noel Paton의 작품들 (화가)

Sir, Joseph Noel Paton (13 December 1821 - December 26, 1901), Scottish artist, born in Wooer's Alley, Dunfermline, Fife.
Born in a family of weavers, while Joseph continued the family business.
He had strong artistic inclinations and for a short time to learn at the Royal Academy in London in 1843. He won several awards for her work, including two of his most famous works-row Oberon and Titania (1846 - exhibited at the Royal Scottish Academy) and Reconciliation Oberon and Titania (1847 - Westminster Hall), both of which are available for public viewing in National Gallery of Scotland.
In 1858 he married Margaret Gurley Ferrier, and they had seven children (six sons and a daughter).
He died in Edinburgh on 26 December 1901.

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