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Esther Verschoor의 작품들 (첫번째)

Esther Verschoor - self-taught sculptor from the Netherlands, she was 43 years.
Started to create gothic dolls in 2008, when she saw the doll Virginie Ropars entitled The Waspqueen.
Claims that even before the
do not know about dolls. Then, in the collection were nothing but puppets in the so-called a "hollow skirts": dolls from polymer with open skirts
and a small plot inside. Some dolls inside are even mechanisms.
In 2009, Esther began to make busts and torsos of the polymer, which attempted to express human emotions. Also, there were dolls,
manufactured with these skulls of birds and animals. Articles by becoming a taxidermist, who will ensure
that the animals died from natural causes or accidents, and not as a result of violence.
Creating such a gloomy dolls Esther explains the desire to remove the taboo on the hidden dark sides of human soul: physical and mental
and physical and mental illness.
Esther member DABIDA: the Netherlands-Belgian Institute of puppetry (Dutch Belgium institute of doll artists),
unifying doll artists in Denmark, Holland, Belgium, was very proud.D

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