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Jacek Malczewski의 작품들 (화가)

Jacek Malczewski - part of the galaxy's largest contemporary artists, his talent under a Picasso or Dali, but in Russia it does not know, maybe because the Russian people, because of its special mentality, not to notice the accomplishments of their neighbors, especially since similar it Slavs, and certainly, the more competitors in the struggle for supremacy in the Slavic world. He always looks on. To become great we need to be a Frenchman, well, too, in the extreme case, German. Knight harpy in the head and brush in hand, I would have never found it, but helped the policy. In Soviet times, was taken to round dates in the history of Eastern Bloc neighbors to organize a major exhibition at the Manege. Here's a retrospective exhibition of Polish paintings and arranged for the silver jubilee of the People's Poland. There we first saw the grand canvases Matejko paintings Vychulkovskogo, Gerymskogo and other luminaries of Polish. For hours people looked at the strange, mystical paintings Malczewski, and many were surprised that previously have not heard anything about it. Lviv is one of the largest collections of paintings Malczewski, but this is not Russia. It looked to us for a few days and went away, but the memory of those who saw his picture, I'm sure they were good. Jacek Malczewski was born in 1854 in Radom, in a family of impoverished nobles. Up to 13 years of educating the future artist engaged by his parents, father - Julian and his mother - Maria, who came from a kind Corwin Szymanowski. His father was a deeply religious and cultured man, he was considered an expert works of Dante and the Polish Romantics. He had a tremendous influence in shaping the worldview Jacek, he instilled in him the idea of patriotism and Polish national messianism, which were imbued with the literary works of Polish Romantics. Sense of belonging to his people, love to the domestic landscape and familiarity with the folklore of his country has strengthened the two-year tenure Malczewski in the estate of his uncle Felix Karchevskii, where he took care of future classics of Polish literature Adolf Dygasinsky. Generally, Malczewski, unlike many other artists who lived pretty calm and happy life, you might say - an academic, but has been in his life and the mystery that could have great influence on him - to Poland, there are persistent rumors that Jacek Malczewski was a descendant of the ancient royal kind of Piast, not casual because his childhood was surrounded by aristocrats, agree - it is quite unusual for a middle-class offspring.

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