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Marcel Dyf의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

Marcel Dyf, French painter. Born on October 7 1899goda in Paris. Although he showed talent for art at an early age, began his adult life as an engineer, but in the age of 23 became a professional artist.
Marseille-self-taught artist, inspiration came to him from the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists, among his favorite Pierre A. Renoir.
Dyf created his own studio in Arles in 1922 and began his career as a landscape painter. His work began to attract attention from collectors and dealers.
In 1935 Dyf returned to Paris and during the Second World War he joined the Resistance.
By 1950, he established a studio in Cannes and a few years later met a girl named Claudine. Claudine was 19 years old at the time, about 36 years younger than Marcel, and in 1965 they were married.
Dyf, died September 16, 1985 September 16, 1985.
Today he is considered one of the last true artists, the Impressionists.

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