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세계의 화가들

Z. L. Feng의 작품들 (화가)

Born in Shanghai, Feng began writing at age seven. He experimented with various materials, including pastel, oil and egg tempera, watercolor before you choose. "With watercolor you can not hide their mistakes, so you need to know what you're doing," he says.
Before arriving in the U.S. in 1986, Feng received a BFA in Shanghai Teacher's University and taught at the art department for four years. He received his MFA at the University of Radford in 1989, where he is currently Professor of Art.
Feng - member of the American watercolor Society, National Society of watercolor and pastel Society of America. Artwork Feng are in numerous private and corporate collections, including Walt Disney, American Space Center Gulfstream, and the Orlando International Airport, in the collection of the Springfield Art Museum in Springfield, Missouri, and the Radford University Art Museum. His works are in private and corporate collections in Singapore and China.

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