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Steve Rogers의 작품들 (화가)

Steve Rogers: "God is light. I am writing to light, which is a reflection of divine beauty, and it makes my job and joyous, and necessary. "
American watercolorist Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers) was born August 18, 1947 in New York. Began to study painting at Rollins College, Florida, graduated from college (Monmouth College) in Illinois in 1969, receiving a diploma with a Bachelor of Arts. He also studied in New York, the artist Harold Stevenson (Harold Stevenson). Next he worked with watercolourist and teacher Robert E. Wood (Robert E. Wood).
Currently, Steve lives in Florida with his wife Janet, both of whom are members of the Florida watercolor Society, where he received 14 awards, with three of them for second place.
Paintings by Steve received hundreds of awards in various contests, including four awards at the American Watercolor Society (NWS). Steve Jobs has been published on the cover of the winter rates "American Artist's Watercolor Magazine" in 2007, where it has been written about the remarkable article by M. Stephen Doherty (M. Stephen Doherty), "The highest degree of inspiration" (Inspiration at Higher Levels).

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