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세계의 화가들

Alexander Millar의 작품들 (화가)

Born in 1960 in the small town of Springside a few miles from the town of Kilmarnock on the west coast of Scotland. Life within the small Scottish village was very traditional and everyday. The artist said about his childhood, that, living in the 60's, he felt the atmosphere of the 40-ies. He grew up and lived surrounded by older men, as a rule, always dressed in a dark and ever-smokers honeysuckle. He wanted in his works reveal something nostalgic in the images of single men, both for themselves and for other viewers who have looked at the pictures and remembered their fathers and mothers in their everyday bustle. Alexander - a self-taught artist, he did not finish any special facilities associated with the arts. His style has developed himself, and subjects for his paintings prompted him to life itself, his memories.

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