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Lillian Bassman의 작품들 (첫번째)

Lillian Bassman - American artist and photographer, born in 1917 in Brooklyn, New York.
Her parents emigrated from Russia, and soon joined a group of free thinking Jewish intellectuals. She married Paul Himmel aged 15 years and was married to him for over 70 years.
In her youth she was a model, designer and work in photography began only in 1946. Virtually all of the works found influence school pictorial photography.
Since the 1940 Bassman works as a photographer of fashion and art director of Harper's Bazaar. Under the direction of a Russian emigre Alexei Brodovych she began to create their own black-and-white photographs of models that have appeared in the 1950-1965 years, Harper's Bazaar. Collaborates with such photographers as Richard Avedon, Robert Frank, Louis Faurer, Arnold Newman and Paul Himmel.
Stopping to photograph in the 70 years, Lillian Bassman is back to the creation after stunning success in 1992 an exhibition of photographs printed with its old negatives when you shoot used a unique technique, which gives the image of an unusual gentleness: her photographs are more like paintings.
Now Lillian is working with digital technology and abstract color photographs to create a new series of works.

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