English artist, musician, born in London on 29 January 1817. He studied painting at the Academy, and in 1836 his work was exhibited at the Royal Academy.
In 1840, when a government official Sir Henry Cole came up for near the original Greetings - Christmas Card, John Horsley, illustrating it with his original drawings. He came up to decorate a postcard (12x7 cm), this Christmas triptych: the artist placed in the center of the family of Sir Henry Cole, sitting at the Christmas table, the sides are images intended to remind others of mercy and compassion of a respectable English family. The card was a huge success.
In 1844 the author was selected as one of six artists, who were instructed to execute the frescoes for the Houses of Parliament. In 1864 he became a member of the Academy and in 1882 was elected treasurer, a post he held until 1897, he later resigned and became an honorary member. Horsley has done much to organize the exhibition of old masters in Burlington since 1870. Died in 1903
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