Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant, also known as Benjamin Constant, was born June 10, 1845 in Paris.
Benjamin studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Travel to Morocco in 1872 strongly influenced his work, which resulted later in the genre of work on the East. After 1880 his brushwork and style of work changed and he became more interested in decoration and portrait painting. The most important work, as the decorator, he managed to create in the Hôtel de Ville, Paris. He also is known for painting the ceiling of the Opéra Comique theatre, and design New Sorbonne scenes "Literature," "The Sciences," and "Academy of Paris". Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York decorated with frescoes by the artist. He was a member of the Institute in 1893 and carried the rank of commander of the Legion of Honor.
He died in Paris on May 26, 1902.
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Benjamin studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Travel to Morocco in 1872 strongly influenced his work, which resulted later in the genre of work on the East. After 1880 his brushwork and style of work changed and he became more interested in decoration and portrait painting. The most important work, as the decorator, he managed to create in the Hôtel de Ville, Paris. He also is known for painting the ceiling of the Opéra Comique theatre, and design New Sorbonne scenes "Literature," "The Sciences," and "Academy of Paris". Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York decorated with frescoes by the artist. He was a member of the Institute in 1893 and carried the rank of commander of the Legion of Honor.
He died in Paris on May 26, 1902.
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