Anna Airy was born in Greenwich, June 6, 1882 Primary art education was in Anna Slade School (from 1899 to 1903), which has won various awards and received a scholarship. In 1905 the artist debuted at the Royal Academy, where he presented his work "Esquire Michael Lee: Indian mutiny." Anna soon met with the artist Geoffrey Buckingham Pocock and married him.
In 1906, Airy was elected to the Society of pastels, and in 1908 she had her solo exhibition at the gallery Carfax; addition, Anna was a member of the Royal Institute of Painters and watercolors.
Some pictures of the artist were reproduced in the popular art magazine "International Studio", as well as in other publications. Anna has written two books: "The Art of Pastel" and "Making a Start in Art".
The works of the artist are in various museums (British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, National Gallery of South Wales and others) and in private collections.
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In 1906, Airy was elected to the Society of pastels, and in 1908 she had her solo exhibition at the gallery Carfax; addition, Anna was a member of the Royal Institute of Painters and watercolors.
Some pictures of the artist were reproduced in the popular art magazine "International Studio", as well as in other publications. Anna has written two books: "The Art of Pastel" and "Making a Start in Art".
The works of the artist are in various museums (British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, National Gallery of South Wales and others) and in private collections.
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