세계의 화가들

John Bagnold Burgess의 작품들 (화가)

아기용 2011. 4. 21. 21:50

John Bagnold Burgess (October 21, 1829 - November 2, 1897) was an English painter. Came from a family of famous painters.
 In 1848 he went to the well-known art school, James Lee Mathews in Soho, where he studied painting.
 Since 1858 and the subsequent thirty years, Burgess once a year, traveled to Spain, often spending days with the Spanish peasants, living their lives and sharing their food.
 In 1860 he married Sophia, daughter of Robert Turner, Grantham, Lincolnshire.
He died on 12th November 1897 at his home in London, from congenital heart disease, which bothered him throughout his life, and was buried at the cemetery in Peddingtonskom Villesdene.

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