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John Constable의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

John Constable (1766 - 1837)
John Constable or Constable (English John Constable; June 11, 1776, East Bergholt, Suffolk - 31 March 1837, London) - English painter.
The son of prosperous miller (paternal mill appears several times in his paintings), in 1799 entered the Royal Academy in London, but the primary school was independently working on location. In this period he was deeply influenced by the work of Thomas Gainsborough, Claude Lorrain, Jacob van Ruisdael.
In 1802 Constable exhibited his first work. In 1829 he was elected a Fellow of the Academy. In the same year died from tuberculosis, his wife, with whom he lived in a happy marriage. From this turmoil Constable was never recovered.
«Earth Constable» Valley became grandfathers in Suffolk. His best work, including the famous «in Salisbury Cathedral», «white knight», «Dam in grandfathers», «Telega hay», connected with these sites and set up a decade of mature creativity between 1815 and 1825 year. In 1819 Constable visited Venice and Rome.
In 1824 several of his works were exhibited at the Paris Salon, and «Telega hay» won the gold medal of the exhibition. It affected the Constable painting of Delacroix, Millet and others in the painters Barbizonskoy schools, in many ways anticipated the French Impressionists searches.

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