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Juliusz Fortunat Kossak의 작품들 (화가)

Juliusz Fortunat Kossak (1824 - 1899)
Wojciech Kossak Juliusz (1824 - 1899) - Polish painter, author of historical and genre paintings, a large animal. Continued picturesque tradition of Polish battle.
Juliusz Kossak was born at the beginning of XIX century in the impoverished gentry families and children showed the ability to draw. Artistic skill, he studied first in Paris, then in Munich, before returning to Poland and lived in Krakow, in the house-villa, known as Kossakuvka.
The main themes of his paintings serve as the battle scenes from the ancient history of Poland, he had a lot of genre and drawing on a background of extremely polish "of nature - strong baleen pany in kuntushah girls in wreaths of flowers from the field. He loved horses and hunting scenes - bay, cowrie, Solovyov, no. Met and Ukrainian landscapes that he painted as a guest Podil magnate.
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