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Bogomir Bogdanovic의 작품들 (화가, 첫번째)

Bogomir Bogdanovich
Bogomir Bogdanovich (Bogomir Bogdanovic) was born in 1923 in Sene (Yugoslavia). He studied architecture and art at the Belgrade University. In 1957, emigrated to the United States. Earning his bread in the work of illustrator production company, he was painting and depicted the beauty of New York in all seasons, using watercolors and oil paints. Bogomir strong desire to find life beautiful place not far from New York, and he was able to find a quiet town of Warwick (Warwick). So his dream came true on the one hand, to be closer to New York from its art market, and, on the other hand, see their favorite themes and subjects.

In creativity Bahdanovich dominated landscapes with breathtaking, if you will, blotches of people from New York, Warwick and the neighboring county Sussex. «I draw all», said Bogdanovic, except, however, abstraction, because he preferred to learn his art. «This is an amazing experience - to see how the picture is seen on paper or canvas», said Bogdanovic. He likes to work on plenere and can spend long hours in the snow or ice, from photographs, he paints a very rare, and only in cases where the photos done by him.

Over the years, its artistic life Bogdanovic won over 40 awards and prizes. His paintings hung in the palace of President Sukarno of Indonesia and in the newspaper «New York Times». His watercolor «Whispering Brook» included in the collection «The best watercolor in 1995»
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