Makarov, Ivan Kuzmich (1822-1897)
Makarov, Ivan Kuzmich (1822-1897) - painter-portraitist.
Born in 1822 in Arzamas, son KA Makarov, when his father's apprentice in the art school A. tamoshney Stupino.
After graduating from the course of the school district in Saransk, he studied art under the guidance of his father, the content of his drawing school, and soon became his father's assistant in the works for a church painting.
Drawings, sketches and sketches, written by a young Kuzmichev Ivan Makarov at the Imperial Academy of Arts along with works of other students Saranskiy schools, drew special attention to it by Academic Board, his reward is for them neklassn title. artist.
In 1844, Ivan Kuzmich moved to St. Petersburg and began attending classes Aqd. While for two years under the supervision of Professor A. V. Markov, Ivan Kuzmich Makarov at the end of the academic course chosen for a special portrait painting, which quickly brought him fame in the St. Petersburg audience.
In 1853 went to the wrong province, visited Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Venice, Bologna and a half years spent in Rome.
Upon his return to St. Petersburg, was recognized as an academician.
Numerous portraits emerged from the brush of Ivan Makarov, in general, different color and a pleasant nutty acceptance letters, but not strictly in respect of drawings, they are succeeded him when the case was about the image of young ladies and children.
In addition to portraits, Ivan Kuzmich Makarov wrote many icons for churches and other religious paintings.
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Born in 1822 in Arzamas, son KA Makarov, when his father's apprentice in the art school A. tamoshney Stupino.
After graduating from the course of the school district in Saransk, he studied art under the guidance of his father, the content of his drawing school, and soon became his father's assistant in the works for a church painting.
Drawings, sketches and sketches, written by a young Kuzmichev Ivan Makarov at the Imperial Academy of Arts along with works of other students Saranskiy schools, drew special attention to it by Academic Board, his reward is for them neklassn title. artist.
In 1844, Ivan Kuzmich moved to St. Petersburg and began attending classes Aqd. While for two years under the supervision of Professor A. V. Markov, Ivan Kuzmich Makarov at the end of the academic course chosen for a special portrait painting, which quickly brought him fame in the St. Petersburg audience.
In 1853 went to the wrong province, visited Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Venice, Bologna and a half years spent in Rome.
Upon his return to St. Petersburg, was recognized as an academician.
Numerous portraits emerged from the brush of Ivan Makarov, in general, different color and a pleasant nutty acceptance letters, but not strictly in respect of drawings, they are succeeded him when the case was about the image of young ladies and children.
In addition to portraits, Ivan Kuzmich Makarov wrote many icons for churches and other religious paintings.
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