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Edward Atkinson Hornel의 작품들 (화가)

Edward Atkinson Hornel (1864-1933)-a Scottish landscape painter, as well as the artist loved to paint children.

Was born in Australia in a Scottish family, but all his adult life he lived in Scotland.
Three years Hornel studied at art school in Edinburgh, and then in Antwerp two years, led by Professor Michel Marie Charles Verlat. Returning in 1885 in Edinburgh, the artist meets with George Henry and joins the School of Glasgow (Glasgow School-was the union of influential contemporary artists and designers who began to join in Glasgow in 1870. This creative union reached his peak in 1890 and flowering lasted until 1910. Glasgow School was divided into three parts The Four (well known as the Spook School), the Glasgow Girls and the Glasgow Boys.)
In 1901 he purchased a mansion and garden in Kerkubri, who was his principal place of residence before the end of his life.
There are examples of his works in museums of Aberdeen, Buffalo, St. Louis, Toronto, Montreal, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, Bath and Liverpool.

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