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Andre Derain의 작품들 (화가)

Andre Derain (born André Derain; June 10, 1880, Chatou-sur-Seine - September 8, 1954, Garches, both near Versailles) - French painter, scene-painter, sculptor and ceramist. He studied at E. career (1898-99) and at the Julian Academy (1904) in Paris. Becoming an artist has passed under the influence of his friend Maurice Vlaminck, and later - Henri Matisse, have had a tremendous impact. After long service in the army (1900-1904) artist for two years (1905-1906) went to Britain, where he created his famous types of Hyde Park and the River Thames. These landscapes, executed in the spirit of Fauvism, imbued with the desire to convey the tensions of nature, and their decorative effect is based on an extremely intense sound of large patches of pure contrasting colors (London harbor, 1906, Tate Gallery, London). Derain paintings immediately caught the attention of the audience at the Autumn Salon 1905. About 1908 Derain style changed under the influence of P. Cézanne and early cubism, his paintings are characterized by the rationalistic clarity of the compositions, geometric simplicity, and the weight of forms. Discreet and gloomy color paintings of that period based on the green, brown and lead-gray hues. In 1910-ies. appear in the artist's gloom and rigidity of images, themes dreary monotony of everyday life of the provincial ("Saturday afternoon", 1911-14, Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin, Moscow), and since the 1920's. He is drawn to the strict, classical drawing, often resorting to creative style of its predecessors. Despite this, retaining the best of his works are deeply personal style, Derain is considered one of the leading artists of the XX century.

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