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Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje의 작품들 (화가)

Portillo Jan Frederik Pieter / PORTIELJE Jan Frederic Pieter (Netherlands)
1829, Amsterdam - 1908, Antwerp
Fashionable portraitist and the author of genre compositions Jan Frederik Pieter Portillo attended art school in Amsterdam Valentin Bing and Yang Bret won Uberfeldta. In 1847, he continued his education at the Antwerp Academy of Fine Arts, where his mentor was Dikmans. For further professional development Portillo for two years went to Paris and then he traveled throughout France, visited Germany. Settling in Antwerp, Portillo acquired great fame, primarily as a portraitist. He made orders Noble England, France, Belgium, Holland, addressed the American customers. In 1857 - 1884 years of the painter with great success exhibited their works at exhibitions in Amsterdam and The Hague. Portillo will incorporate art and his two sons.
Consistently characterized by high and texture coloristic mastery of the artist can be found in museums and private collections in Europe and America.

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