Rupert Charles Wulsten Bunny (September 29, 1864 - May 25, 1947) - Australian artist, born in St Kilda, Victoria. He achieved success and critical acclaim as a foreigner in Paris. For example, he received an honorable mention at the Paris Salon in 1890 and a bronze medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 with the painting "The Burial of St. Catherine of Alexandria." The French state acquired 13 of his works for the Musee du Luxembourg and regional collections. He was "a magnificent colorist and brilliantly erudite artist, an idealist, a creator of the most ambitious production of paintings of Australia."
Bunny was the third son of Victorian judge, Frederick Bryce Bunny, and Marie Hedwig Dorothea Wulsten. He visited England in 1884, studied at art school in London Calderon. After 18 months, he went to Paris to study at the studio of Jean-Paul Laurens. In 1902 he married Jeanne Heloise Morel, a former student of art and models, which often appeared in his paintings. He lived in France until 1911, until he returned to Australia for a visit. For several years he traveled back and forth between Australia and France. After his wife died in 1933, he returned permanently to Australia and settled in South Yarra, Victoria.
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