Noel Laura Nisbet was born on December 30, 1887 in the artistic family. Her father - a painter, writer and traveler Hume Nisbet; sister Margaret - artist. Nisbet family moved to London from Scotland in 1887 for his studies at art school Clapham Noel has been awarded numerous prizes, gold medals and was awarded scholarships to the Princess of Wales. . In 1910, she married an art school student Harry Bush. Both sisters Nisbet artist had their own studio. In 1914-1938 he works Noel were exhibited at the Royal Academy. The artist has illustrated several books: Fairy tales by Andrew Lang Nisbet (1913) - (was published); Cossack fairy tales and folk tales (1916), Russian fairy tales from the Skazki of Polevoi by R. Nisbet Bain (1901); Legends of saints and sinners. In the later period of the artist's work reflects the influence of prerafaelitizma, it is called the last of the Pre-Raphaelites. Noel Laura Nisbet works are in museums and galleries: Newport (Gwent), Bournemouth (Russell Cotes Gallery), Belfast Art Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
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