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Henrietta Rae의 작품들 (화가)

Henrietta Emma Ratcliffe Rae (December 30, 1859 - January 26, 1928) was a prominent British artist.
 Born in Hammersmith, London, she was the youngest child of seven children. His father, a civil servant, her mother was musically talented, a former student of Felix Mendelssohn.
 Ray began studying art at the age of thirteen, she was educated at the School of Art Queen Square, School of the Arts Hiterli (it was his first student), and the British Museum.
 In 1884 she married the painter Ernest Normenda, they had two children, son (1886) and daughter (1893). Ray left his mother's maiden name after marriage, under which it has already begun to establish its reputation - an unusual choice at the time. She and her husband lived in Holland Park with many other artists.
 Family went to Paris in 1890 to study at the Academy Julian with Jules Joseph Lefebvre and Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant. In 1897, Ray has organized an exhibition of women artists. Like some other women artists of her time, Ray was a supporter of feminism and women's suffrage.

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