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Allan Ramsay의 작품들 (화가)

Allan Ramsay
October 13, 1713 Edinburgh, Scotland - August 10, 1784 in Dover, England

Scottish painter, eldest son of the poet Allan Ramsay (1685-1758).
He studied in London, Rome, Naples, first worked in Edinburgh, and later in Italy (1755-1757).
In 1757, after completing a portrait of George III, then Prince of Wales, Ramsay became the court portraitist.
In 1762 he moved to London where he obtained a permanent job at the court.
While working at the court provided a generous and steady income, this has caused the loss of Ramsey artistic individuality. All his best work was done before a court appointment. His style was simple and refined, it is especially evident in his portraits of women.
In the work of Ramsey's desire to acquire much experience in modern Italian and French painting. His early work, "Samuel Torriano" (1738) intimate portrait of Neapolitan Solimena, with whom he studied, his later paintings - a portrait of his wife (1755, Edinburgh, National Gallery) or "Countess Emilia Kildare" (1765, Liverpool, Walker Gallery) - draw its almost French grace, delicate silvery color. The elegance of the composition and fineness of execution scenic Ramsey paintings suggest his predecessor great British portrait painters coming decades - Reynolds and Gainsborough.
Because in addition to portraits of the royal family, he was obliged to make many copies of paintings from the royal collection, Ramsey had to give up foreign orders. Painting was for him a mechanical process, until an accident (injury hands) in 1773 made him leave the art in general. However, the best pictures of the Ramsey will forever remain among the highest achievements of British art.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy and granted a knighthood.

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