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Jacques Clement Wagrez의 작품들 (화가)

Jacques Clément Wagram (1846, Paris - 1908 Paris), painter, portraitist and master of genre painting and historical costume scenes, watercolorist, illustrator, decorator. The artist's son, Edmond, Vahram, the first received art lessons at the studio of his father. In the future continued his education at the School of Fine Arts in Paris and Lenepve Pils, as well as a master of the historical and portrait genre, Henri Lehmann, who had a profound influence on his stylistic manner. Began exhibiting at the Paris Salon in 1876, since 1884 - Member of the Society of French Artists. Medal Third Class (1879) and second-class medal (1898), was awarded a bronze medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. In addition to paintings created many watercolor works, illustrated "Decameron," Boccaccio, Balzac and the work of other writers who worked as a decorator of the Paris mansion. The works of Jacques Vahram stored in various museums and private collections, including collections of the Museum of Fine Arts in Chambery, Dijon and Nantes.

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