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Joni Sternbach의 작품들

관련링크 http://www.jonisternbach.com

Almost nezemnaya ease and serenity, as if the scenes from the life of paradise. People and boards. Between land and water. At the edge between the two poems, one of which is friendly to humans, while the other offers him a danger in case of careless behavior. This is not confrontation but a challenge. Tensions in the risky business. Part of the exposed body and almost complete exposure of the soul. Iconographic imagery effect makes specific technique, which uses the American Johnny Sternbah / Joni Sternbach, as a species of mokrokollodionnogo process - tintayp.

In the mid 1850-ies. Frederick Scott Archer / Frederick Scott Archer invented ambrotipiyu, as well option kollodionnogo process. Later it was replaced tintayp (from English. Tin - tin) and tintype (lat.. Ferrum - iron). Tintype is a small improvement ambrotipii, where the glass plate is replaced by sheet iron or tin, covered with black enamel. New materials have allowed significantly reduce the cost of production of the image, as well as significantly increased shelf life due to Luck on a metal surface. As in ambrotipii, the image is negative, but may appear as positive, with the imposition of a dark surface.

These technologies have become the most popular photographic process to the emergence of the so-called modern film.