세계의 화가들

Vittorio Reggianini의 작품들 (화가)

아기용 2009. 4. 4. 10:00

Vittorio Reggianini (1858 - 1938)
Vittorio Reggianini born in Modena, in northern Italy, in 1853 (according to other data - in 1858) year.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, which later became a professor.
Like many of his contemporaries, Redzhianini moved south to Florence, where he participated in the
exhibition of Florentine Art Association in 1907-1908 and again in 1910-1911 years.
Vittrio Redzhianini picture everyday scenes of bourgeois life, his compositions are full of lovely images of the characters in the elegant interior with all the nice details of everyday life.

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