세계의 화가들

Nicolas Lancret의 작품들 (화가)

아기용 2009. 11. 24. 21:39

Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743)

Nicola Lancret (Lancret) (1690-1743) - French painter, a pupil Dyulena first, and then lived and Yu A. Watteau.

He wrote, in the spirit of the latter, the gallant scenes, rural walks and amusements, pastorals, masquerades, and so forth, but is generally inferior to Watteau in the composition and in the style of execution. Most skilled engravers of his era were engaged in a reproduction of his paintings. Less fortunate out his portraits and historical subjects, when he dared to be made for them. From 1719, he was a member of the Paris Academy of Arts and in 1735 - her adviser. During the domination of the European art of classicism and partly in the time of romanticism, the works Lancret treated lightly, but now again they are appreciated by amateurs of painting.

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