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세계의 화가들

앤더스 소른(Anders Leonard Zorn의 작품들, 화가)

앤더스 소른 [Anders Leonard Zorn, 1860.2.18~1920]
스웨덴의 화가. 처음에는 조각을 배웠으나 뒤에 수채화로 바꾸었다. 1888∼1896년까지는 마네 ·드가 등의 작품과
에스파냐회화를 혼합한 작품으로 성공하였다.
국적 스웨덴
활동분야 예술
출생지 스웨덴 모라
주요작품 《암초에서, 바다의 님프》(1894) 《화가와 모델》(1896)
출처 : 네이버 백과사전
참고 : 위키피디아 (영문)

러시아어로 되어있는 것을 영문번역기를 통해 번역한 내용입니다.
Born Feb. 18, 1860 in the village of Sea. He studied at the Arts and Crafts School (1875-1877) and the
Academy of Fine Arts (1877-1881) in Stockholm in 1882-1885 worked in Britain, in 1888-1896 - in Paris, visited Italy,
Spain, Russia, the United States.

In 1881-1885 traveled to France, Spain and England, went to Constantinople. In 1888-1896 he lived permanently in Paris,
left for the summer in Sweden. Since 1896 the artist settled permanently in their respective regions .

Tsorn intended to become a sculptor, and before the end of life continued to deal with this kind of art, but the most important
place in his works were paintings and gravyura.Pervy success brought him a watercolor, but in the 1880's he turned to oil painting.

Whatever technique Tsorn not worked, it is best udavalis the figure of people on the background of nature, read in impressionisticheskoy manere.Ispytav influence of Impressionism, Tsorn worked in a free and virtuosity, almost sketchy style,
juicy and boldly lepya form a broad mazkom.Individualnost model originality of the facial expressions, gestures,
fleeting expression of a person acutely captured in portraits Tsorna rich play of light and shade of its many different etchings.

Soft obobschennost plastic forms peculiar created Tsornom bronze statuetkam.Masterstvo and brilliance with which he could transmit the atmospheric and light effects, reminiscent of works Sardzhenta.On has been widely known as a painter 1893 portretist.
Posle several times visited the United States, where he did a series of portraits of famous American public figures,
including Presidents Cleveland, Tafta and T. Roosevelt. He died in the village of Sea Tsorn August 22, 1920.